Branding and Marketing

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.”

― Seth Godin, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

Do You Stand Out in the Crowd?

Image of three strawberries, two red and one pale blue right in the middle, with "be unique" in blue.

You’ve just launched a business and are taking a good hard look at your branding. Or maybe you’ve been in business awhile and are struggling. There aren’t enough customers or resources to make your company the success you know it can be. 

Ask yourself:

  • Can your potential customers or clients see immediately what makes you different?
  • And why they should choose you over your competitors?
  • When they’re searching for solutions to their problems, does your name rise to the top? Or are you lost in the crowd?

In a competitive, saturated market, you have to stand out.

A clearly defined brand and vibrant marketing strategy will get you in front of the people who are looking for you. A winning strategy no matter what stage your business is in.

Brand Awareness, Pre-qualified Leads, Increased Revenue

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”

― Coco Chanel, The Gospel According to Coco Chanel: Life Lessons from the World’s Most Elegant Woman

Strategic Marketing and Positioning

Getting to the Grit of Who You Are

If your business needs to grow, take a quick inventory:

  • Are your mission and vision crystal clear?
  • Are your company values reflected in every aspect of your business?
  • Does your visual identity support and build your brand?

If you can’t answer with a big yes, let’s take a closer look. We’ll take a deep dive into:

  • branding and visual identity
  • market positioning
  • market segmentation and buyer personas
  • Risk and competitive advantage analysis

You’ll come away with a crystal clear focus: who you are and how to represent that visually. You’ll know your niche market: where they hang out, how they spend their time, and how to reach them with a message they identify with.

Effective marketing doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not rocket science either. These are easily attainable outcomes that just take thoughtful, focused effort. And pay dividends for years to come.

If your business needs a push to move forward, this is the place to start.

We work together

to determine how

to reach your business goals

Branding and Marketing

Determining Who You Are, Where You're Going, and How to Get There

Brand Identity and Market Positioning

Chart Your Course and Move in the Right Direction

Image of a compass and pencils on top of an old map.

Custom Packages

Branding and marketing services are offered as custom packages tailored to fit your needs. Services can also be contracted individually, or added to another package.

Contact me for a free consultation.

Focused Strategies

Measurable Goals

Branding and Marketing Packages

Brand Identity and Voice

Logo and Visual Style

  • Full color and grayscale versions of logo for digital and print use
  • Typography: font styles, spacing, line height, heading styles
  • Brand colors
  • Mood board, stylescapes
  • Photography and graphic style guides
  • Graphic Style Guide

Package specs:

  • Defines company’s visual identity, personality, and voice (tone)
  • Sets graphic standards to be used across print and digital platforms to attain consistency in company brand
  • Workshop, support materials provided
  • Client must have an established company mission statement, vision, differentiation, core values, brand story and tone

Marketing Strategy and Positioning

Market Positioning Package

  • Establish company mission statement, vision, core values
  • Clarify differentiation
  • Market Segmentation, define audience, niche marketing, identify additional potential target markets
  • Develop persona of ideal customer with custom avatar
  • SWOT analysis
  • Brand positioning and messaging

Digital Marketing Strategy Package

  • Define business goals, desired outcome of marketing initiatives
  • Determine effective social media and blog strategies, discuss content schedule, create guidelines for content writers
  • Establish measurable marketing objectives, KPIs

Package specs:

  • Establishes company positioning
  • Defines brand voice and tone to maintain consistency in content creation
  • Identifies target market(s)
  • Isolates internal and external risks and weaknesses and determines strategic solutions
  • Capitalizes on company strengths and opportunities
  • Defines marketing objectives and specific goals for growth
  • Sets marketing direction  with measurable goals
  • Establishes guidelines for consistency in marketing and messaging
  • Workshop, support materials provided

Ready to Get Started?

Let's Chat!